At the beginning of this century we were working as IT guy and travel agent, later full time student. Any free minute beside this was all about Snowboarding. As soon as snow dumped we were planning trips to resorts, but please with a decent snow park! As soon as there was 2 inch of snow around our town or the nearest hills, our jib setup consisting of rails and tubes were dragged out of the garage and build up the next day. GAP 1328 was the yearly pilgrimage and during Summer we hit the rails in the ski domes. Most of our gear was ordered in North America, as it was hard to get our hands on the brands we liked over here.
In 2006 we finally decided to grow a business out of this approach. We wanted to present the brands we loved so much to retailers in Germany and Austria and import these goods exclusively. This was the birth of our Snowboard distribution Good Question Supplies. Until today we look back onto 15 years in business, time that we did use to build a solid distribution network. We currently supply our brands as exclusive importer to over 200 trading partners in 16 countries throughout Europe. Even though we also expanded into Watersports over the last years, our core competence is still our first love: Snowboarding.
Thorsten Höhne & Eric Bruweleit